Uncategorized Archives - Linguistico




Most Common Languages in Australia 2022

21 st, October, 2022

Our country is one of the most culturally diverse in the world, and the range of top languages spoken in Australia most definitely reflects this. But how can knowing the most common languages in Australia actively benefit your business? The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ 2021 Census

Translating For Your Multicultural Audience and the Possible Implications For Your Business

13 th, October, 2020

Reference link: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-08-13/coronavirus-messages-translated-to-nonsense-in-other-languages/12550520 Translating important documents with clarity and accuracy is essential, regardless of your industry. When it comes to communicating essential health, education and informational material, an inaccurate translation could not only be embarrassing but potentially catastrophic for the stakeholder and the target audience. It is

Your Detail-driven Document Translation Agency Across Multiple Industries

2 nd, October, 2020

Your Detail-driven Document Translation Agency Across Multiple Industries Linguistico’s team of industry specialised experts offer document translator services across a multitude of industries. We are the professional go-to translation company for the provision of NAATI accredited document translation and professional translation, companies across Australia rely on. With

Trusted Language Translation Services in 90+ Languages

2 nd, October, 2020

Trusted Language Translation Services in 90+ Languages Linguistico provides human translation services to some of the world’s biggest and best businesses, as well as some of the smallest and most perfectly-formed. With superior industry experienced experts in over 90 languages, we have become a top tier

3 Key Reasons to Translate for Your Multicultural Audience

13 th, August, 2020

Why You Must Consider Your Multicultural Audience for the translation of your important resources and documentation Did you know that roughly 1 in 4 people in Australia is likely to be born overseas? With a rich history of immigration, Australia remains one of the world's most

Six Reasons Why You Should Translate Your Law Firm’s Website

10 th, June, 2020

Did you know that more than one-fifth of Australians speak a language other than English at home, with more than 300 separately identified languages spoken throughout the country? It’s no surprise, then, that more and more Australian businesses are also targeting clients from non-English speaking

Trials and Triumphs for Remote Legal Practice during COVID-19

20 th, April, 2020

Across Australia, remote working has changed the landscape of many industries, particularly that of legal practices. Challenges have ranged from the practical to the pastoral, from standard technological connectivity issues to the complication of enforcing complete security and confidentiality. Yet whilst many of these challenges

Battle of the Sexes in Language | Linguistico

The Battle of the Sexes in Language?

26 th, August, 2019

Why Do Differences in Gender Matter in Translation Services? Not all that long ago, there was a bestselling book entitled, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus." We suspect you've probably read the stories in the media about the science behind the differences between men

Are you ready to simplify your complex translation needs?